Safari Park Bouncy Castle Rental

The Carnival Fair

Venture into the wild with the Safari Park Bouncy Castle from our carnival event company in Singapore! This inflatable safari adventure invites young explorers to bounce and play amidst the majestic world of lions, elephants, and giraffes. 

The vibrant graphics, coupled with the exciting bouncing area, create a safari-themed wonderland that adds a touch of the exotic to birthday parties, wildlife-themed family days, or any celebration where a safari adventure is the order of the day.

Frequently Asked Questions About Safari Park Bouncy Castle Rental

What is the maximum capacity of the Safari Park Bouncy Castle?

The recommended maximum capacity of this medium-sized bouncy castle is around 8 to 10 children, depending on their age and size.

What safety features are incorporated into this bouncy castle?

The Safari Park Bouncy Castle is designed with a sturdy base and soft landing area to ensure a safe and enjoyable play experience for young adventurers.

What other fun activities are recommended to pair with the Safari Park Bouncy Castle rental?

In addition to the Safari Park Bouncy Castle, explore the option of renting Water Games, Kiddy Rides, and Ball Pits tailored to suit the diverse interests of the little ones.